geoficiency's ecosystem
Our Business Partners
You wish to become a geoficiency‘s integrator for you clients and assist them:
- in their reflections on their strategy and their library of controls
- in their choice of organization
- in the operational and business implementation of geoficiency
- from a possible support to carrying out investigations
Or simply integrate the use of geoficiency in carrying out your missions (audit, consulting, M&A, taxation, etc…)
When geoficiency was created, BM&A had already been a renowned and independent financial consulting and audit firm. The BM&A Risk Management and Compliance team regularly intervenes to take charge of the organizational and business aspects during geoficiency deployments among its clients. BM&A offers numerous assistance possibilities to geoficiency clients (training, awareness, link with risk mapping, support in crisis situations, support for external audit, etc.)
Our institutional partners
Institutional partners play an essential role in our discussions. They allow their members to have a platform for exchange and knowledge on important subjects.
Our long-term relationship with them allows us to contribute to this search for best practice and the best answers.
Our tech partners
Committed to high quality service, geoficiency relies on renowned technological partners. Information security and service continuity are at the heart of our concerns.